About Me Pages: About thunderguff (1851)

A bit of history

Dave and Karen are the Lego fans who run D&K Bricks. The store is the ultimate result of one box of Lego. One box of vintage Lego that in 2013 finally had to move out of Karen’s parents loft. Of course, this couldn’t happen without Dave and Karen taking a little look inside. One burst of nostalgia later and they were delving in their own loft for Dave’s old Lego too.

It reignited a dormant love for Lego that dates back to the late 1970’s. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. We’re now Lego collectors with a particular fondness for the Classic Town and Space sets that we had as kids in the 70’s and 80’s.

Fast forward to 2015 and the hobby was getting a bit out of hand. Loads of Lego but limited space. What to do with the bits that don’t fit their own collection? The answer of course, is D&K Bricks. We discovered Bricklink to be a fantastic resource for replacing bits that were missing from our old sets and for the sets we have acquired since the ‘box incident’ described above. Our hope for D&K Bricks is that other collectors and Lego fans can do the same.

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