About Me Pages: About Techo (85)
Hi I have been an avid fan of LEGO since 1969. That was the Christmas I got my first set from either Wards or JC Penny. The set was an assortment, as all sets were back then. Today it would have been like one of the buckets that you may have seen, except it came in a box like the large sets of today. Back then there were no minifigs or cool colors or cool part shapes. There were no series of sets that had a common theme. The colors were white, black, blue, yellow and red. Our minifigs were made from a 1x1 brick for legs, a 1x2 plate for arms and a 1x1 brick for a head. After we got 1x1 round bricks we actually had something that resembled a human form. It was the start of something great. I had a suitcase full that followed me to college. Yeah I may be a geek, but I'm OK with that. Today my obsession has turned into an entire bedroom with boxes from floor to ceiling full of boxes of LEGO and pieces everywhere. Who could have envisioned so much variety from such a humble beginning. I have heard people who resist change "oh there's too many colors" and "there's too many different parts", "it's not like it was when I was a kid". All I can say is "Thanks LEGO for all the new possibilities". You can create anything with LEGO now and it has a sophisticated look to it. Sure you had to use more of your imagination when I was a kid, but technologically speaking everything was at a starting point. Hey kids we had 4 TV stations to choose from on our black and white Zenith. Remember Pong? We had one of the games like it that hooked up to the antenna. There was lots of time to use your imagination. I'm so happy that LEGO has moved into the product it is today. The creations have so much more life with all the detail they put into their product. I have rambled on for long enough time to go and play. Maybe I will put together the City of Atlantis set I bought myself for Christmas. Maybe I can build the Parthenon.........
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