About Me Pages: About SteveDJ (577)
Hello, my name is Steve, and I build LEGO kits...

I'm a middle-aged guy who was bitten by the LEGO bug just a few years ago. I have always admired LEGO, but just "from a distance". That all changed when LEGO decided to start making kits based on the Lord of The Rings movie trilogy. Since then, I have built many of the sets from that series, plus a few from The Hobbit (though not as good movies as LOTR).

My wife has also built many of the recent editions of the Harry Potter series. And we now have a couple Star Wars kits adorning our shelves.

Update: The family made the mistake of buying the Parisian Restaurant for my wife, for Christmas 2015. Just 2 weeks later saw two more buildings, and shortly we will have FIVE of the Modular Buildings sets. New collection is well underway...

Sharon and Steve
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