About Me Pages: About BrickShopTirol (489)
Durch Zufall bin ich nach fast 40 Jahren wieder zu Lego gekommen. Angefangen hat es mit dem "Diner". Dann wollte ich alle Modulars. Und Gebäude. Und Fahrzeuge. Und, und, und.... Mittlerweile habe ich ca. 2000kg Lego und ca. 1500 Figuren verpackt im Legozimmer "liegen". Um seltene Modulars oder Moc´s zu bauen, kaufe ich laufend Konvolute und verkaufe die Teile, dich ich "nicht brauchen" kann über Bricklink. Anzumerken ist, dass es sich um ein Hobby und keinerlei gewerbliche Aktivität handelt. By chance I came back to Lego after almost 40 years. It started with the "diner". Then I wanted all the modulars. And buildings. And vehicles. And and and.... I now have about 2000kg of Lego and about 1500 figures packed in the Lego room. In order to build rare modulars or mocs, I constantly buy bundles and sell the parts that I "don't need" via Bricklink. It should be noted that this is a hobby and not a commercial activity. By chance I came back to Lego after almost 40 years. It all started with the "diner". Then I wanted all the modulars. And buildings. And vehicles. And and and.... In the meantime I have about 2000kg Lego and about 1500 figures packed in the Lego room. In order to build rare modulars or Mocs, I constantly buy bundles and sell the parts that I "don't need" via Bricklink. It should be noted that this is a hobby and not a commercial activity.
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