About Me Pages: About sp2 (1438)
Located close to Erie PA and I have been "brickin" for 40 years. My first sets were The Lear Jet and the Formula 1 Racers. I then got the tipper truck, and then when I was 7 years old, I received my first space set. The Alpha 1 Rocket Base. I have built and destroyed it many times. Everytime a new threat arises (blacktron, BtronII, Mars, Darth Maul, and others), they always seem to attack and destroy the Rocket base first. Probably strategic planning. However, all would be invaders are eventually repulsed by the original classic Red and White Space men. Through the years I added to my fleet of Space men, at Christmases or birthdays, however, they were mostly small sets. Now that I am gainfully employed, I have been buying pounds of legos and rebuilding the large sets that I never had as a kid. I am almost complete I have about 99 percent of all of the classic space sets, including Futuron and Unitron. Star Wars has dominated my collecting recently, I now own a Millenium Falcon, and even a Sandcrawler. And yes, my wife let me have my own lego room in our house.
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